Detailed Mangal Dosh


According to the Indian rite, "marriage" is a major rite of life. Therefore, many principal have been formulated in Indian astrology to make married life happy. By following this, the household life can definitely be made enjoyable. At the time of matching of the birth chart of a boy and a girl, along with other parameters, the compatability of Mangal Dosh is also said to be extremely important.

In the horoscope, when Mars is occupied in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth house, then makes Mangala to the boy and Mangali to the the girl. The position of Mars in the above five houses is taken seriously because Mars occupied in these houses represents age, physical happiness, material happiness, married happiness, children, attraction and dedication towards each other etc. As a result, when Mars is found in the above house of a boy or a girl, then definitely a life partner should be chosen accordingly. It will be said that special attention should be given here that Mars occupy in these five houses makes the boy and the girl Mangla and Mangli respectively, but it is not necessary that he also give Mangala dosha. It is a matter of surprise that about 99% of the people do not know the truth that about 42 people per 100 people are Mangla and Mangli but only about 6% of these 42 people suffer from Mangala dosha. That is, only about 6 people per 100 people suffer from Mangala Dosh, but due to lack of knowledge, so-called astrologers do the matching work by considering Mars as Mangala dosha in the above five houses , so that the happiness of family life is becoming extremely rare in society.

To solve the above problem, Astro Terminal determined the Mangala or Mangli Dosha after minute analysis of your horoscopes so that the household life can be in bliss.